On Tuesday evening, ABC and CBS furthered the mainstream media's largely inaccurate reporting on Pope Benedict XVI's recent remarks on the morality of condom use. While the pontiff stated that condoms are ” not really the way to deal with the evil of HIV infection ,” World News anchor Diane Sawyer stated that ” the Pope shifts his rules on condom use .” Evening News anchor Katie Couric labeled Benedict XVI's comment a ” historic statement ,” and trumpeted how supposedly, ” Pope Benedict says, for the first time, that condoms are okay to protect against HIV and other diseases .” Sawyer included her misleading “Pope shifts his rules on condom use” phrase as she teased the lead stories at the beginning of World News. Sixteen minutes into the half hour program, the ABC anchor introduced correspondent Dan Harris's report, who began by giving a false impression of Benedict's remarks during an interview published in book form given by German journalist Peter Seewald. An on-screen graphic proclaimed, ” A Change in Policy :” read more
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ABC, CBS Inaccurately Report Pope’s Condom Remarks as ‘Change in Policy’