Tag Archives: running-mate

Jay Leno Show: Leno Fired?

Season 1, Episode 77: Jay talks about NBC show cancellation.

Read this article:
Jay Leno Show: Leno Fired?

Late Show with David Letterman: David Letterman- Top Ten Signs There’s Trouble at NBC

From the Home Office in Wahoo, Nebraska…

More here:
Late Show with David Letterman: David Letterman- Top Ten Signs There’s Trouble at NBC

NBC TODAY Show: McCain Says He Is ‘Proud’ of Palin

Jan. 12: In an interview with TODAY s Matt Lauer, Sen. John McCain, R- Ariz., says he is proud of his 2008 presidential campaign and his former running mate, Sarah Palin, saying she will be a major figure in American politics.

See more here:
NBC TODAY Show: McCain Says He Is ‘Proud’ of Palin