Tag Archives: sadly-lindsay

Lindsay Lohan Attempts to Endorse Hillary Clinton, Ends Up Sounding Dumb

Every so often, Lindsay Lohan decides to wade into the weird world of politics. It’s not like she’s the first washed-up, orange, delusional relic from the early 2000s to do so, so you’d think she’d fit right in. Sadly Lindsay’s idiocy is such that she stands out in even the dumbest of crowds: Linds posted the photo on the right on her Instagram page earlier this week, and it seems she can really relate to…Hillary Clinton’s testimony during the Benghazi hearings? Check out Lindsay’s batsh-t, hashtag-happy string of rambling nonsense that accompanied the pic. “I couldn’t understand you more. #lindsaylohan2020 #imthegirlinschoolthatwasfriendswitheveryone #nomatterwhat you can only judge a book by its cover (look at the blurred lines) all, together, could, be, done. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and that can change at the blink of an eye. Be patient. It’s a virtue.” Um…right on. Feel the burn…in your nose from all the cocaine you did before you wrote that. As we said, this isn’t the first time that Lindsay picked up an eight-ball from Sean Penn’s dealer and was suddenly filled with the desire to change the world. However, this might be the first time that Lindsay didn’t just align herself with whatever candidate can score the best booger sugar. In 2014,  Lohan endorsed a known cocaine smuggler  in his campaign to become president of Brazil. Last year, she gave a public shout-out to Pablo Escobar  – the notorious Colombian drug lord who basically supplied the US with all of its coke in the ’80s and early ’90s. We’re not sure why Linds chose Hillary to support in this year’s race for the White House. Maybe she heard “Clinton” and “blow” in the same sentence and got confused.

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Lindsay Lohan Attempts to Endorse Hillary Clinton, Ends Up Sounding Dumb