Tag Archives: safer-solution

Fat That Azz Up: Miami Surgeon Offers New “Booty Vacuum” Procedure To Plump Up Posteriors To That “Kim K Look”

Miami Salon Offers Butt Enhancing Suction Procedure Ladies have risked their lives time and time again to get the big round booty of their dreams via dangerous injections . But a Miami cosmetic professional has come up with a new, safer solution to achieve the donked-out appearance many women are chasing. Now, all you have to do is suction cup those cakes to thick & round perfection. Via MailOnline : A beauty salon in Miami is offering a bizarre new treatment dubbed ‘vacuum therapy’ which claims to enlarge women’s buttocks. Sculpting Goddess’ $60 procedure involves two ‘suction cups’ being attached to each buttock for 45 minutes, and claims to ‘raise, enlargen and re-affirm the gluteus [sic].’ Sculpting Goddess owner’s Tini tells Daily Mail Online that the number of sessions required to gain the best results varies by individual, but is generally between four and six. The non-invasive procedure, she says, leads to a permanently more pronounced posterior, because it ‘mobilizes the fat.’ Tini has had the vacuum therapy performed on herself, and reports that one year on, the results have stuck around. Since word of Tini’s unusual treatment has spread, she’s seen a surge in demand; particularly for customers in New York, whereas before her customers mainly hailed from South Florida, Alabama and Georgia. Kim Kardashian, prepare for an army of plump-bottomed competition. Ladies, would you suck the life force out of your booty meat to get those blown-up backs that are all the rage these days? Instagram

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Fat That Azz Up: Miami Surgeon Offers New “Booty Vacuum” Procedure To Plump Up Posteriors To That “Kim K Look”