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SMH: Nanny Who Killed Two Kids Was Under Stress From Parents To Do More Housework Or Be Fired!!!

We can understand being stressed out but did she really have to kill the kids? Come on now! There’s new information regarding the heartbreaking story of two young children who were stabbed to death by their nanny. According to RadarOnline reports : We’ve got new details for you in the case of Yoselyn Ortega, the Manhattan nanny accused of violently killing 6-year-old Lucia Krim and her 2-year-old brother Leo last week. The NY Post reported that the parents of the murdered children, Marina and Kevin Krim, had given the 50-year-old an ultimatum to do better at her job, or they’d find someone else. “She was told that if she didn’t improve her work, she would be let go,” an insider said, adding those close to the situation reported that the nanny was having mental and financial issues and looked unhealthy in the month prior to the double-murder. Police said Ortega told some she was planning on seeking psychological help, though it’s unclear if she did. “There was friction between her and the family,” police told The NY Post, adding the nanny was also enraged at the prospects of adding an extra five hours housework to her job duties for extra payment. “They were asking her to clean, to do housework. She was unhappy about that,” police sources told the paper, adding Ortega said the extra time would have cut into her doctor’s schedule. “She said something like, ‘I’m paid to watch the children, not clean up and do housework,’” the source told the paper of the nanny’s statements in the wake of the double murder. This doesn’t excuse what happened, but still it’s a far cry from the portrait the dad’s mother painted of her, saying the nanny was treated like gold. Does this make you nervous to let someone else take care of your kids?

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SMH: Nanny Who Killed Two Kids Was Under Stress From Parents To Do More Housework Or Be Fired!!!