Tag Archives: sales-promo

What Made Christina Hendricks’ Cleavage Worth $850,000?

Contrary to what Marilyn Monroe sang in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes , diamonds are not always a girl’s best friend. Especially when said girl is at the Golden Globes, loses her borrowed $850,000 diamond bracelet and then uses her legendary cleavage to deal with the situation. Just ask Mad Men actress Christina Hendricks.

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What Made Christina Hendricks’ Cleavage Worth $850,000?

Don’t Judge Darren Bousman’s ‘Mother’s Day’ By This Awful Sales Trailer

Darren Bousman’s home invasion horror pic Mother’s Day hasn’t had the easiest time while struggling to see the light of day. Shot back in 2009, it’s taken a long road to securing distribution, and earned mixed-to-mildly enthusiastic reviews among the fanboy elite at last September’s Fantastic Fest — not exactly the place to bow to “meh” reactions if you’re trying to generate genre buzz. But, hey; this newly unearthed foreign sales promo could be just the ticket to reversing that tide of bad luck!

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Don’t Judge Darren Bousman’s ‘Mother’s Day’ By This Awful Sales Trailer