Tag Archives: samsung-still

Brilliant. Rand Paul Links Government Bureaucrats to Busted Toilets (Video)


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Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) went off on some big government bureaucrat during the Energy and Natural Resources Committee this week. Paul questioned the Department of Energy’s commitment to protecting consumer choice during consideration of Appliance/Light Bulb Energy-Efficiency Legislation. This was … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 10/03/2011 22:11 Number of articles : 7

Brilliant. Rand Paul Links Government Bureaucrats to Busted Toilets (Video)

Samsung Still Going Strong With Original Galaxy Tab Ads Despite Verizon iPad 2 Launch Today


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Samsung may have slightly cowered at the launch of the iPad 2, but that’s not going to stop them – a day before the Apple-bred tablet is available from Verizon, they’ve posted a brand new advertisement for their original Samsung Galaxy Tab on YouTube. (Which we imagine could find its way to airwaves soon.) The Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Android Phone Fans Discovery Date : 10/03/2011 22:50 Number of articles : 2

Samsung Still Going Strong With Original Galaxy Tab Ads Despite Verizon iPad 2 Launch Today