Tag Archives: says-the-cause

The Mother Of All Traffic Jams, 9 Days And Counting

Xinhua via Global Times The Beijing-Tibet Highway has been having a bit of a traffic jam- for nine days so far. The Traffic Bureau says the cause is “insufficient traffic capacity”, which Bike Portland thinks is “hilarious….too many cars maybe?” Other wags have noted that “it’s quicker to wok.” But drivers aren’t leaving. One trucker told Xinhua that he had spent three days and two nights in his vehicle. “We are advised to take detours, but I would rather stay here since I will travel more distance and increase my costs” … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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The Mother Of All Traffic Jams, 9 Days And Counting

DJ AM — Cause of Death Accidental

Filed under: DJ AM TMZ has learned the New York City Medical Examiner has determined the cause of death for Adam Goldstein — DJ AM. The M.E. says the cause of death is “acute intoxication” due to the combined effects of cocaine, oxycodone, hydrocodone (Vicodin), ..

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DJ AM — Cause of Death Accidental