Tag Archives: says-the-world

Out Of Pocket: Webbie Talks Chopping Down Whoopi Goldberg & Oprah And Vlad Says Whoopi Looks Tore Up [Video]

We sat down and did an exclusive interview with Webbie for VladTV. In the interview he talked with us about if he would smash Whoopi Goldberg, his album “Savage Life 5” being number one, and Boosie’s comments in a previous VladTV interview on being gay. At the beginning of the interview, Webbie explained to us a woman tried to rape him the night before he came in to talk with us, “I gotta stay strapped!” Going further into a discussion on women, Webbie let us know he would indeed mess around with Whoopie Goldberg, “That woman deserves some good d*ck.. she’s a hard working independent woman… Shoutout to Whoopie I’ll whoop that a** from the back.” He talked to us about his hit single “Independent” and “Bad B*tch” and how people may not understand the exact meaning of the songs. The songs represent strong women getting money not necessarily just looks. Referring to the Boosie interview with Vladtv were Boosie expresses, “They’re trying to make everybody f*cking gay..” Webbie says he’s not gay, but he says the world is going to keep turning, and we’re going to keep seeing change. “We gotta keep praying and keep our faith in the Lord.” In regards to his children, Webbie wants his kids to be as educated as possible, him not graduating from High School fuels him to make sure her children live a better life.

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Out Of Pocket: Webbie Talks Chopping Down Whoopi Goldberg & Oprah And Vlad Says Whoopi Looks Tore Up [Video]