Tag Archives: scene-the-last

Kate Upton Legs of the DAy

Remember – Just because you’re an overrated plus sized model…so overrated that you’re not even considered plus sized by the media despite the size of your back and belly…and tits…massive fucking tits… You can still have skinny legs… Fascinating…I know… #Science… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Kate Upton Legs of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kate Upton Legs of the DAy

Bar Refaeli Pregnant Bikini Pic of the Day

Pregnant Bar Refael in a bathing suit, because she’s a bathing suit model trying to hold onto all she knows, or maybe she’s selling pregnancy product from her brand of bathing suits…it’s how she still monetizes being a Victoria’s Secret model, and more importantly her famous relationship with LEO, as one of the first models in modern years we remember him fucking, but definitely not the first model he fucked…he’s been fucking in the scene the last 30 years…there’s been some shit that his dick has gone into…but I shit that I guess Bar didn’t get based on the pregnancy, because she’s pregnant and not hysterectomied..from the HPV vagina cancer / celebrity strain of herpes, etc… I generally like Bar as a representation of what jewish girls can be – hope for jewish guys who need to marry jewish girls to please their family tradition…but more importantly, seeing as I am not Jewish..I like her tits, even though they are in the 30s and expired… The post Bar Refaeli Pregnant Bikini Pic of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bar Refaeli Pregnant Bikini Pic of the Day

Bar Refaeli Pregnant Bikini Pic of the Day

Pregnant Bar Refael in a bathing suit, because she’s a bathing suit model trying to hold onto all she knows, or maybe she’s selling pregnancy product from her brand of bathing suits…it’s how she still monetizes being a Victoria’s Secret model, and more importantly her famous relationship with LEO, as one of the first models in modern years we remember him fucking, but definitely not the first model he fucked…he’s been fucking in the scene the last 30 years…there’s been some shit that his dick has gone into…but I shit that I guess Bar didn’t get based on the pregnancy, because she’s pregnant and not hysterectomied..from the HPV vagina cancer / celebrity strain of herpes, etc… I generally like Bar as a representation of what jewish girls can be – hope for jewish guys who need to marry jewish girls to please their family tradition…but more importantly, seeing as I am not Jewish..I like her tits, even though they are in the 30s and expired… The post Bar Refaeli Pregnant Bikini Pic of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bar Refaeli Pregnant Bikini Pic of the Day