Tag Archives: school-talking

Myth-Busting History Lesson: Everyone Already Knew The Earth Was Round When Columbus Set Sail

Let’s get the facts straight on this fake holiday. First of all, we all know the original travesty: Columbus and his people came to America and killed all of the Native Americans and took their land. But there’s another travesty in the Columbus history. The idea that Christopher Columbus sailed across the world to prove that it was round was a big myth started by Washington Irving in his 1828 biography of the “discoverer”. Irving wrote a semi-fictional biography of Columbus and included that lie, which our teachers only perpetuate every day. In fact, as far back as Aristotle, people knew the world was round. So when your kid comes home from school talking about Columbus proving that the Earth was round, give him or her a history lesson and reveal the truth! All Columbus did was come to America and help lead the charge of Europeans killing and taking the land that wasn’t theirs. The End.

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Myth-Busting History Lesson: Everyone Already Knew The Earth Was Round When Columbus Set Sail