This is the type of post that you’ll scoff at simply as another example of us Movieline haters trying to hate. I assure you, though: It’s not. I am not a hater. (In this case.) I love, love, love Jason Segel — the man is a comic wizard, who is also capable of playing poignant, touching drama, and playing it well; see the last two episodes of How I Met Your Mother , or a lot of the downcast parts of Forgetting Sarah Marshall , for reference. I love that Jason Segel loves the Muppets — so much that he cried when he met Kermit . I love the Muppets! Especially The Muppets Take Manhattan , which includes the perfect amount of melancholy, whimsy and song. That said: Enough, already, about The Muppets .
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Enough, Already, About Jason Segel’s Version of The Muppets