Tag Archives: secretly-quit

Sincere Reveals He Quit Love & Hip Hop Hollywood Because It Was “Too Scripted”

Sincere Says Love & Hip Hop Hollywood Is Too Scripted Yet another Love & Hip Hop cast member is calling out the show as a work of total fiction . Sincere, cast member on Season 1 of Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood says he had such a big issue with the “character” producers were forcing him to portray that he actually bowed out of the second season of the show. Via RadarOnline : Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood has been dogged by claims of fakery ever since Joseline Hernandez said the show was faked during a deposition earlier this year. At the time, her costar Sincere defended the VH1 series, insisting it was “not fake,” but now he’s speaking out exclusively to RadarOnline.com to reveal that the show is getting to be too much like a “scripted” drama — and that’s why he secretly quit! Fan fave Sincere revealed to Radar that he quit the show after filming for just two months of the second season. “I actually got out of my contract,” he confirmed to Radar. “They have me cast in a different way.” “The way I was cast was different than how they portrayed me,” he claimed. “They had me be a shit-stirrer. I’m a businessman. They wanted me to be viewed a different way. I didn’t like what was going on.” Hinting at fakery behind the scenes, he said, “Who knows, I think scripted TV is coming back in a big way …” Wow…reality TV is scripted. We are so shocked right now… Oh, well. Was anyone actually checking for him like that though?

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Sincere Reveals He Quit Love & Hip Hop Hollywood Because It Was “Too Scripted”