Tag Archives: security-risk

Actress Confronts Sean Penn Over His Support for Chavez: ‘You Are a Communist A**Hole!’


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Video follows below: Cuban-born, Venezuelan-raised actress Maria Conchita Alonso and actor Sean Penn had a contentious exchange at Los Angeles International airport recently, in which Alonso called Penn a “communist a**hole” and Penn called Alonso a “pig.” Over a year and a half after Alonso penned an open letter to Penn asking him why he supports socialist Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, the two… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Blaze Discovery Date : 19/12/2011 18:57 Number of articles : 2

Actress Confronts Sean Penn Over His Support for Chavez: ‘You Are a Communist A**Hole!’

Fischer: ‘Every Homosexual Represents a Heightened Security Risk’


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American Family Association spokesman Bryan Fischer said today on Focal Point that gays and lesbians could endanger the military and represent a risk to the country’s security because of mental health problems in the gay community. Researchers have consistently linked prejudice and stigma against gays and lesbians to increased feelings of depression and anxiety, and Fischer skews such research to… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Right Wing Watch Discovery Date : 19/12/2011 23:45 Number of articles : 2

Fischer: ‘Every Homosexual Represents a Heightened Security Risk’