You’d be hard pressed to find anyone in the world right now who doesn’t like Outlander’s Caitriona Balfe, and thankfully the sexy Starz star prepped for her amazing television nudity with some smoking runway appearances! … read more
All photographs need to have a focal point, some place for those looking at the picture to focus. Often a bad picture will have too many things to look at once. Then again, some pictures have a hidden focal point, like in this Instagram post from Miley Cyrus. … read more
Lindsay Lohan posted a couple of selfies that no one really cares about…because she’s Lindsay Lohan…and doesn’t really matter.. She’s expired. You know once a great thing, then an interesting thing to watch crash and burn and fade into obscurity, only to make the occasional re-entry, each time with less star power than before…because the world is a fast moving place… Sure sometimes, when the scandal is hot enough, the tits are exposed, the sex tape is released, or she dies, we’ll stop to look… But to track her like this was 8 years ago and celebrity internet blogging was new and exciting, and Lohan was the focal point, is just not ever going to happen again…but I’ll keep on looking every once in a while – because I believe she can turn it around…and win an oscar…if she wasn’t such a horrible fucking person… Not because I care her new boyfriend is named “Philip” and she was kissing him on a yacht…or because I ever liked any of her movies…but because…#tits.
American Family Association spokesman Bryan Fischer said today on Focal Point that gays and lesbians could endanger the military and represent a risk to the country’s security because of mental health problems in the gay community. Researchers have consistently linked prejudice and stigma against gays and lesbians to increased feelings of depression and anxiety, and Fischer skews such research to… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Right Wing Watch Discovery Date : 19/12/2011 23:45 Number of articles : 2
A small radio station in Brooklyn becomes a focal point for New York City's Haitian-American community as they desperately seek information about family and friends in earthquake ravaged Haiti. added by: ctv 0 comments