Tag Archives: served-as-their

Ray J Cops Plea Deal, Off the Hook in Hotel Arrest!

Ray J’s sexual battery and assault case, which resulted from an ugly incident in Beverly Hills this summer, is all but gone after he copped an awesome plea deal. All this after he copped an awesome feel, allegedly. The Kim Kardashian sex tape co-star and production chief pleaded no contest to misdemeanor trespassing following the altercation at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel. The serious charges Ray J was rung up on – sexual battery, assault on a police officer, resisting arrest and others – will be dismissed in exchange for the plea. Reports indicated that Ray was accused of touching a woman’s breast inappropriately, then getting into a violent altercation with arresting officers. He kicked out the window of a Beverly Hills police car as well, and he’s going to have to pay for that as well as put in some decent probation time. Ray will be on probation for three years, do 50 hours of community service, attend 12 anger management sessions, and 12 alcohol therapy sessions. Also, no hanging out at the Wilshire anymore. Small price to pay when you’re facing nine criminal charges. The man who hit it first never shoulda did that … and hopefully has learned his lesson. 9 Guys Who Got it in with Kim Kardashian 1. T.J. Jackson T.J. Jackson, Michael’s nephew, was Kim’s first love. It’s believed that he was her “first” in the physical sense as well.

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Ray J Cops Plea Deal, Off the Hook in Hotel Arrest!

Katie Couric Accused Diane Sawyer of Exchanging Oral Sex For Interviews, New Book Alleges

Katie Couric and Diane Sawyer have been two of the most respected names in broadcast news for several decades, but a new tell-all book claims that the iconic journalists sank to stunning lows while fiercely competing with one another early in their careers. In The News Sorority , veteran journalist Sheila Weller levels some startling accusations at Couric, Sawyer and CNN’s Christiane Amanpour. Newly released excerpts from the book aren’t flattering for any of the women involved, and one anecdote in particular has caught the Internet’s attention in a big way: “When Diane beat Katie on an interview with a 57-year-old woman who’d given birth to twins,” Weller writes. “Katie mused aloud, according to a person who heard the comment: ‘I wonder who she blew this time.'” Yes, Couric reportedly accused Couric of gaining the upper hand by giving out sexual favors.  If true, it was a low blow to be sure. But if the ultimate prize in the competition between Couric and Sawyer was a reputation as a “serious journalist,” then we suppose Sawyer emerged victorious. Sawyer anchored ABC’s World News tonight for five years before stepping down last night to focus on correspondent work. Meanwhile, the much younger  Couric was fired from the CBS Evening News  in 2011 and went on to host a syndicated daytime talk show. Of course, at the end of the day, all that really matters is that neither of them can lip sync like Brian Williams : Brian Williams Lip Dubs “Gin and Juice”

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Katie Couric Accused Diane Sawyer of Exchanging Oral Sex For Interviews, New Book Alleges

Wedding Ice Sculpture Melts, Looks a Lot Like a Penis

We may need make an addition to this awesome wedding fails video . A Reddit user recently posted a shot of himself standing alongside an ice sculpture at his buddy’s wedding. The piece of art was originally made in the shape of a dolphin, but, as this guest points out, it looked a lot like a certain male body part after the fins started to melt. Someone shield the bride’s eyes! She isn’t supposed to see this thing until the wedding night! It could have been worse for the newlyweds, of course. A dog could have served as their ring bearer… and we all know how that often goes . Hopefully, the couple had a good laugh upon seeing this melted sculpture, the same way we had a good laugh over these wedding photos: 15 Hilarious Wedding Photos 1. RUN! Yup, that’s actor Jeff Goldblum and this is an awesome reenactment of Jurassic Park.

Originally posted here:
Wedding Ice Sculpture Melts, Looks a Lot Like a Penis