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NBC’s Matt Lauer Repeatedly Presses Joe Biden on Iraq War: Was It Worth It?

NBC’s Matt Lauer wanted one question to stick in the minds of his Today show viewers, as from the top of Wednesday’s show, to his interview with Vice President Joe Biden, the Today co-anchor repeatedly asked was the Iraq war “worth it?” As part of the analysis of the President’s Oval Office speech last night, in which Barack Obama announced an end to U.S. combat operations in Iraq, Lauer invited on Biden, in the 7am half hour, to press him about the costs of the war as he asked: “There is a question being asked in homes all across the country this morning, after seven years and 4,400 lives and tens of thousands of U.S. servicemen and women wounded, some of them horrifically, and of course billions and billions of dollars spent, was Iraq worth it?” [ audio available here ] For his part Biden responded that since he had a son who served in Iraq for a year, “I could never say to any of those parents it’s not worth it” but that didn’t dissuade Lauer from pursuing his line of questioning, from the left, as he cited a New York Times editorial to the Vice President: I want to read you something from an editorial in this morning’s New York Times. Quote: “In many ways the war has made Americans less safe, creating a new organization of terrorists and diverting the nation’s military resources and political will from Afghanistan. Deprived of its main adversary, a strong Iraq, Iran was left freer to pursue its nuclear program to direct and finance extremist groups and meddle in Iraq.” Do you agree with that assessment? The following intro and full interview with Biden were aired on the September 1 Today show: [7:00am] BARACK OBAMA: Now it’s time to turn the page. MATT LAUER: Page turner. In a primetime Oval address President Obama announces the end of combat operations in Iraq. Was it worth it? Especially for the families who lost loved ones. This morning Vice President Joe Biden tackles that question. … [7:11am] MATT LAUER: Savannah Guthrie, thank you very much. Vice President Joe Biden is in Baghdad this morning. Mr. Vice President, good morning to you. JOE BIDEN: Good morning, Matt, how are you? LAUER: I’m fine, sir, thank you very much. There is a question being asked in homes all across the country this morning, after seven years and 4,400 lives and tens of thousands of U.S. servicemen and women wounded, some of them horrifically, and of course billions and billions of dollars spent, was Iraq worth it? How do you answer that question? BIDEN: My answer, Matt, is that all the sacrifices made by the American people, but particularly by our troops, we have to, in fact, make sure that this transition to the Iraqis works. We have to make sure that when we leave here, there is a stable government that is secure within its own borders, not a threat to its neighbors, in order to, to justify all that sacrifice that, that is taking place because the sacrifice is real. LAUER: Well so you’re saying if we don’t ensure the future, it may not have been worth it? In other words, at this stage, is it still unclear whether it’s worth it? BIDEN: Matt, having a son who served here for a year and feeling lucky he came home and thinking about all those parents who didn’t have their child come home, I could never say to any of those parents it’s not worth it. What I have to say is we are committed to making sure that the sacrifices they made bear fruit and the fruit will ultimately be in a stable Iraqi government that is able to stand on their own and, in fact, is not a threat to its neighbors nor threatened by its neighbors. LAUER: You said recently that Iraq now is safe. And you know there were some 50 people killed in insurgent attacks, in the days prior to your visit there. From my understanding, since you been there, on at least three occasions, alarms have sounded warning of incoming mortars. So to, to the families of the 50,000 U.S. troops that remain, now that combat troops are gone, are their loved ones safe? BIDEN: Look Matt, the level of violence is the lowest it’s been since 2003 when we got here. There are traffic jams in the street, there are people walking around and the vast majority of the country, there are, been no attacks. The fact of the matter is that there was an uptick in violence, 12 simultaneous attacks that, in fact took place a week or so ago, creating significantly less damage than any kind of coordinated attack has in the past. It’s still dangerous. But the fact of the matter is those 50,000 troops are well equipped, well protected and they’re in a position where they’re much, much, much safer than troops were a year ago, two years ago, and three years ago. As a matter of fact safer than any time since 2003. But there’s still, there’s still danger that exists in this country. LAUER: In his speech from the Oval Office last night, Mr. Vice President, the President referred to former President Bush and he said that while the two of them were at odds on this war from the very beginning, he said that no one could doubt Mr. Bush’s quote, “support for our troops or his love of country and commitment to our security.” I want to read you something from an editorial in this morning’s New York Times. Quote: “In many ways the war has made Americans less safe, creating a new organization of terrorists and diverting the nation’s military resources and political will from Afghanistan. Deprived of its main adversary, a strong Iraq, Iran was left freer to pursue its nuclear program to direct and finance extremist groups and meddle in Iraq.” Do you agree with that assessment? BIDEN: Well look all I’m gonna focus on today, Matt, is Iraq. The fact of the matter is, that, we are moving in a direction where the Iraqis are better positioned to be able to be successful, free and not a destabilizing force in the world but a positive force. And the question about whether or not credit is deserved, who deserves the credit for this beginning of a fundamental transition, I don’t think is worth arguing about. The truth of the matter is there were a lot of mistakes. There’s no doubt that the President and I both disagreed with the way in which the war had begun, how it was conducted, etc. But, but the truth of the matter is, that at, by the end of the last administration, a transition was in place, there was a political movement that was afoot. We kept on Secretary Gates, our present, we kept on General Petraeus, we kept on a continuity here to finish the job and that’s what we’re in the process of doing. LAUER: Vice President Joe Biden joining us from Baghdad, this morning. Mr. Vice President, I thank you for your time. BIDEN: Thanks an awful lot, Matt. I appreciate it.

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NBC’s Matt Lauer Repeatedly Presses Joe Biden on Iraq War: Was It Worth It?

YouTube Jihad: American Terror Imam Radicalizing Muslim Youth Online

He may be playing hide-and-seek from drone missiles in the caves of Yemen, but Al Qaeda cleric Anwar Al-Awlaki is still attempting to poison the minds of young Muslim Americans through the use of YouTube and other social media. The extent of Al-Awlaki’s reach on the internet is outlined in a new report released by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) on Aug. 28. The report describes the millions of views garnered by Al-Awlaki’s YouTube video clips and the online networking of his rabid fan base. A former imam at the Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Virginia, the American-born Al-Awlaki has increasingly been using social media as a recruiting method for would-be jihadists, leading terrorist watchers to dub him the “[Osama] bin Laden of the internet” and the “sheikh of YouTube.” Al-Awlaki has been tied to the Sept. 11 hijackers, the Christmas Day bomber and the Fort Hood shooter. This past spring, President Obama ordered that the cleric be killed on sight, but the American Civil Liberties Union filed suit on Aug. 30 to prevent the military from targeting the U.S. citizen without a trial. According to MEMRI, after Al-Awlaki’s personal website was shuttered in 2009, YouTube became the “largest clearinghouse of his online videos.” “A quick tabulation of viewings of Al-Awlaki’s 2,500-plus clips – comprising lectures, sermons, and compilation videos supporting his jihadist philosophy – now indicates well over three million views, and counting,” MEMRI reported. “These clips include Al-Awlaki calling Muslims to jihad, expressions of support for martyrdom attacks, and encouragement to kill American soldiers.” Al-Awlaki has even begun posting his recruitment videos directly to YouTube, as opposed to the radical Islamist websites that normally host those types of clips. A search for “Al Awlaki” on YouTube turns up 4,600 results, These videos are publicly accessible, and can easily be viewed by children. In one extreme case, a young American Muslim follower of Al-Awlaki created a “Jihadi Fan Club” page on YouTube, which MEMRI called “a clear example of a young American convert radicalized by YouTube.” “Anwar Al-Awlaki is NOT a terrorist. He simply wants America to change its unjust foreign policy,” wrote Jihadi Fan Club on his YouTube page. “He does NOT call for fighting out of hatred for America, he call for fighting in the name of self defense. Anwar Al-Awlaki tells the sincere Muslims to fight against the U.S. troops and all the oppressors of the Muslims.” Underneath one video in support of the Ground Zero mosque, Jihadi Fan Club posted a shout-out to Al-Awlaki and Abu Monsour Al-Amriki – an American-born member of terror group Al-Shabab who posts his own rap videos endorsing jihad on YouTube – thanking the terrorists for their “inspiration.” In another post, Jihad Fan Club argued that the Americans murdered on Sept. 11 were not innocent civilians, and that they deserved the attack because they supported the U.S. economic and foreign policies. “[P]eople want to say, ‘Well, the people who did 9/11, they attacked innocent people.’ Well not necessarily; you pretend like the World Trade Center and the Pentagon was a daycare center or a maternity ward. No. The World Trade Center was the epicenter of American economy that funds so much death and destruction in the Muslim world,” wrote Jihad Fan Club under a video expressing support for the Sept. 11 attacks. “If the people who did 9/11 wanted to kill innocent people, they would have bombed a school, they would have bombed a church, they would have bombed a daycare center, they would have bombed a grocery store.” Underneath a video of a CNN news program, Jihad Fan Club wrote that “Muslim lap dogs” are trying to trick other Muslims into condemning terrorism and being kind to non-Muslims. “Killing the innocent is WORNG [sic], but CNN has an EVIL agenda which is to trick you into thinking that terrorism is caused by misguided Muslims instead of U.S. foreign policy,” wrote Jihad Fan Club. “They also want you to spend your time condemning terrorist attacks instead of using your power to fight against the American government, its puppet regimes and its allies which is the cause of all the violence in the Muslim world and the terror attacks in the US & Canada. Oh Muslims please do not be fooled by these evil disbelievers and their Muslim lap dogs. A real Muslim is always harsh towards the non Muslims and lenient towards the Muslims.” Jihad Fan Club’s page also features videos by the American-born Al Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn, and praise for terror leader Osama bin Laden. Al-Awlaki’s use of the internet as a recruiting tool is noteworthy, especially because of the success the cleric has had at recruiting and inspiring American-grown terrorists in the past. MEMRI lists more than a dozen terrorist suspects that were radicalized through Al-Awlaki’s online presence, including Paul and Nadia Rockwood (an Alaskan couple who made a “hit-list” of U.S. officials who “desecrated Islam”), Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan, Time Square bomber Faisal Shahzad, and Sharif Mobley (a 24-year old American who is charged with killing a Yemeni soldier). Al-Awlaki was also a spiritual adviser to two of the Sept. 11 hijackers and Christmas Day bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. But MEMRI noted that the jihadist infiltration of YouTube is unlikely to end soon. “[A]s Western governments increasingly take down and interfere with traditional terrorist websites, Al-Qaeda and other jihadists have grown more dependent upon on YouTube and other social media outlets, including Facebook and Twitter. To date, these outlets seem unprepared to effectively address this problem,” the group reported. According to YouTube’s “Community Guidelines,” hate speech is not permitted on the website. “We encourage free speech and defend everyone’s right to express unpopular points of view. But we don’t permit hate speech (speech which attacks or demeans a group based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, and sexual orientation/gender identity),” reads the Community Guidelines. A spokeswoman for YouTube told the Media Research Center that “Because it is difficult to verify the identity of users who post videos…an individual who claims to be a member of a terrorist organization (a claim we may not be able to verify) but who posts videos and comments that comply with the rules, may not be suspended from the site.” However, she said that users who “encourage others to commit specific, serious acts of violence, with or without claiming membership in a terrorist group, would be in violation of our policies.” One of the reasons why YouTube has difficult time addressing the problem of terrorist videos on the site may be because the enormous number of videos uploaded each day makes it nearly impossible to review and approve each one individually. “Every minute, 24 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube, totaling hundreds of thousands of videos every day.  To be able to offer YouTube at this scale, we cannot review content before it goes live,” said the spokeswoman. This isn’t the first time that YouTube has been cited for having controversial content on its site. A Media Research Center special report found that the website features thousands of sexually explicit videos, including soft-core porn, and is often used by porn producers to drive traffic to their X-rated websites.

Read more:
YouTube Jihad: American Terror Imam Radicalizing Muslim Youth Online