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Sharon Simmons, 55-Year-Old Cheerleader, Tries Out For Dallas Cowboys’ Squad

Sharon Simmons has wanted to be a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader since her 20s. Now, at 55, the fitness model is finally reaching for her dreams. “I thought about this when I was about 22 years old. I was a single mom, and I wanted to do it,” said Simmons, a grandmother, in an interview. The 55-year-old cheerleader planned on auditioning decades ago, but money, time, and raising a family delayed her dream for half a lifetime. But last weekend Simmons finally tried out . Joining hundreds of others over the weekend to audition for the squad at Cowboys Stadium, she said: “It literally has been about the journey.” “I’ve met incredible people, I’ve learned so many new things.” Fox reports that Simmons has written a book about ageless fitness and has won several competitions in her successful career as a fitness model. She said: “I don’t see a number… If I do, it’s just a number. It’s not that I can’t keep up with [younger women] in the physical part of the training.” If Simmons makes the team, she will be the oldest cheerleader in the league. She won’t be, however, the only grandmother in the NFL, though. Suzie Sanchez of the Oakland Raiders is also a grandma … though Sanchez is only 37. Laura Vikmanis is currently the oldest NFL cheerleader at 42.

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Sharon Simmons, 55-Year-Old Cheerleader, Tries Out For Dallas Cowboys’ Squad