Tag Archives: rumored-romance

Sharon Simmons, 55-Year-Old Cheerleader, Tries Out For Dallas Cowboys’ Squad

Sharon Simmons has wanted to be a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader since her 20s. Now, at 55, the fitness model is finally reaching for her dreams. “I thought about this when I was about 22 years old. I was a single mom, and I wanted to do it,” said Simmons, a grandmother, in an interview. The 55-year-old cheerleader planned on auditioning decades ago, but money, time, and raising a family delayed her dream for half a lifetime. But last weekend Simmons finally tried out . Joining hundreds of others over the weekend to audition for the squad at Cowboys Stadium, she said: “It literally has been about the journey.” “I’ve met incredible people, I’ve learned so many new things.” Fox reports that Simmons has written a book about ageless fitness and has won several competitions in her successful career as a fitness model. She said: “I don’t see a number… If I do, it’s just a number. It’s not that I can’t keep up with [younger women] in the physical part of the training.” If Simmons makes the team, she will be the oldest cheerleader in the league. She won’t be, however, the only grandmother in the NFL, though. Suzie Sanchez of the Oakland Raiders is also a grandma … though Sanchez is only 37. Laura Vikmanis is currently the oldest NFL cheerleader at 42.

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Sharon Simmons, 55-Year-Old Cheerleader, Tries Out For Dallas Cowboys’ Squad

Mila Kunis Saves Life of Employee, Remains Really Hot

Mila Kunis has come up with a new, effective way to distract the gossip world from buzzing over a rumored romance : save the life of a 50-year old employee inside your home. Authorities tell TMZ that’s exactly what happened on Saturday, as an unidentified man who works for Kunis collapsed at her Los Anegles residence, seizing, choking and coughing up blood. The actress reportedly rushed into action, telling a friend to dial 911 and turning over the man’s head )so that he wouldn’t choke), while another friend shoved a wallet into his mouth to prevent tongue swallowing. Talk about quick thinking! Paramedics eventually arrived on the scene and transported the man to the hospital, where he’s already made a full recovery. Late last month, Grey’s Anatomy star Patrick Dempsey played hero in a similar way, coming to the aid of a motorist following a horrific car accident. [Photo: WENN.com]

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Mila Kunis Saves Life of Employee, Remains Really Hot

Old Spice Guy: “I Am A Single Man. I Like Brunettes. I Like Red-Heads Or Gingers. I Like Blonds!”

Hmmmm… Isaiah Mustafa — a.k.a. the Old Spice Guy — was coy with UsMagazine.com on Monday about his rumored romance with comedienne Kathy Griffin. “I think she is amazing!” Mustafa, 37, told Us at Cosmopolitan mag’s Fun Fearless Males of 2011 bash in NYC. “I think she’s a force of nature. And she’s on Broadway, so if you get a chance, go check her out!” “But,” Mustafa insisted, “I just happen to be a single man!” Still, a source told Us last month that Mustafa and Griffin, 50, “are not boyfriend/girlfriend, but they are definitely spending time together and getting to know each other.” The duo began seeing each other several months ago, and were caught canoodling between takes on the set of Glee Feb. 23.) On Mustafa’s list of requirements in a woman? “I’m looking for someone who’s respectful of my needs because I’m always respectful of the lady’s needs, and that’s pretty much the bottom line.” He added: “I like brunettes. I like red-heads or gingers. I like blonds!” The sexy rising star did fess up to bizarre requests from fans of his hit commercials — who’ve demanded he take his “shirt off, strap on a saddle, all sorts of stuff!” Well Kathy Griffin isn’t the only white woman this guy has been romantically linked with… remember Neve Campbell? Source

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Old Spice Guy: “I Am A Single Man. I Like Brunettes. I Like Red-Heads Or Gingers. I Like Blonds!”

Guess Which Young Chocolate Tender Is Chopping This Down With No Strings Attached

Self-proclaimed D-Lister Kathy Griffin has been getting it in all over Hollyweird with a New Black Kid On The Block whose bare chest and body of work are both designed to make women resent their men. Can you guess who it is? Yes. That is the “Old Spice Guy” Isaiah Mustafa. A source tells me that Griffin and Mustafa first met months ago. Maybe it was back in August at the Creative Arts Emmys, where they did a joint interview on the red carpet with our own Kristin Dos Santos? Not longer after that, Griffin tweeted a pic of the two of them with the post reading, “A gift from me 2 u. Here I am with the super hot Old Spice Guy. Feel free to photoshop ur face over mine.” Our source says they started spending more time together within the last month or so. The source wouldn’t describe the relationship as “romantic,” but says, “They’re getting to know each other.” Mustafa was not only spotted at Griffin’s Trevor Project benefit concert in L.A. in December, but the two were also together earlier this month at Cher’s final performance of her Las Vegas show. I actually saw them at the Sin City airport the following morning hopping on a flight back to L.A. Mustafa was also with Griffin at the Grammys last week. Then last night, they were spotted sitting together and chatting at the Costume Designer Guild Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. His rep says they’re just friends who “have a blast hanging out” which is pretty much Hollyweird code for “he’s blowing her back out every chance he gets.” Now sistahs, before you get mad at Isaiah and his cougar-bait-swirl-steez, understand this one isn’t one of ours at all. This is the last chick Isaiah was linked to: Source

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Guess Which Young Chocolate Tender Is Chopping This Down With No Strings Attached

Rumored Couple Alert: Amanda Bynes and Drake?

She likes his nickname for her and remembers things they said “months ago.” She thinks he’s “worth the wait” and quotes lyrics to express feelings for him. And they may already be broken up. Such is the life of Amanda Bynes and Drake, supposedly. It was a rumored romance spawned – where else – on Twitter. Drake termed Amanda “Penny Lane” in one Tweet , and she noted in a message they have something in common: “Drake is half Jewish like me … word!” Word indeed. “You’re the best, which is why I’m saving you for last,” she wrote, quoting lyrics from Rihanna ( linked to Drake herself last year) and Jay-Z. Bynes then raided iheartquotes.com for further inspiration. Is (or was) Amanda Bynes the best Drake ever had? Cute as it sounds, Bynes’ new flame may actually be an old one. On Valentine’s Day, Bynes said she was newly single and was glad she never her man’s identity. Then this week she wrote, “Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect,” she hinted, quoting J.K. Rowling. Deep . Whomever the man is, he was rocking Bynes’ world for weeks. She writes: “It’s amazing when someone knows how to love you with out being told.” Until things went south: “I have a friend I thought was like a sister to me,” she wrote. “She’s been lying to me and has been up to no good with a man I like.” The actress then added that “Some people make me sick.” Damn, Drake. Cheating on her with her BFF? Bold, man. Bold and cold, my friend. Bet Amanda’s watching the video of Drake’s on-stage ACL tear on repeat.

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Rumored Couple Alert: Amanda Bynes and Drake?

Sammi Giancola and Ronnie Magro Get Back Together After Live Jersey Shore Reunion Breakup

Jersey Shore’s Sammi Giancola and Ronnie Magro got together early in the show’s inaugural season. The pair proceeded to fight and break up a lot.

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Sammi Giancola and Ronnie Magro Get Back Together After Live Jersey Shore Reunion Breakup

Miley Cyrus On Taylor Swift And Taylor Lautner: ‘Sounds Good To Me’

‘I mean, if he’s happy and if she’s happy, sounds good to me,’ Cyrus says of romance rumors surrounding her friends. By Jocelyn Vena Miley Cyrus Photo: Jean Baptiste Lacroix/ WireImage Miley Cyrus may be friends with both Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner, but that doesn’t mean that the teen queen has any idea if the two are really dating. But, if they are, she’s really happy for them.

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Miley Cyrus On Taylor Swift And Taylor Lautner: ‘Sounds Good To Me’

Taylor and Taylor Continue to Kill Us With Cuteness

The tale of two Taylors and their rumored romance just seems to get more adorable by the day. On the heels of creating some serious buzz about their relationship after…

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Taylor and Taylor Continue to Kill Us With Cuteness