Tag Archives: she-vandalized

Jordan is a Make-Up Monster of the Day

I don’t know who told Jordan that burying herself in make-up makes a bitch so, making her invest in a kiddie pool to fill the fuck up with self tanner and roll around in the shit liek she was an actual pig in fucking shit and not just a bitch you call a pig because of everything she represents in life, but I assume it was the same person who told her that getting ridiculous fake tits will make her worth jerking off to, despite looking like a total fucking freak straight out of a horror movie or comic book some closet case over compensating for his gay fantasies wrote….because as time goes on…I feel her testicles are slowly droppin’….cuz she just doesn’t look like a she as much as she may have before she vandalized herself like she an abandoned building in the seedy part of town that is used as a home for squatters and prostitutes….like the piece of lowlife trash her dirty pussy is…. Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Jordan is a Make-Up Monster of the Day