Tag Archives: because-as-time

Katie Price is Drunk of the Day

Here are some pictures of Katie Price leaving a party drunk. She’s really got nothing better to do with her time than drink her life away and in her defense, you’d be self-medicating too if you were Katie Price…Hell, I’m not even Katie Price and I’m not going through some kind of transition from being some over-sexualized cartoon rendition of a fantasy woman to being a dude in a dress, but I self medicate all the fucking time. I’m not drunk right now but I would rather be, I just don’t think my stomach or liver can handle it after the latest bender I had this past weekend that I’m recovering from…as there comes a time in every drunk’s life where they have to step back and realize shitting blood isn’t healthy and it’s a life or shitting blood to death situation…and I’ve got too much to live for like a fat wife I hate, no money, no job, totally uninspired and unmotivated and too fat for pants…good times I won’t put up a fight to live another day for….or fight to keep because it is all I know… Pics via Fame Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Katie Price is Drunk of the Day

Sophie “The Muppet” Monk Shows Off Her Calves Cuz Her Pussy Probably Has Herpes of the Day

The last time I got off to calf porn, I was watching 6 baby cows were breast feeding off some lactating whore with a salt lick inserted in her meaty fucking pussy. It wasn’t some Australian piece of shit nobody in short leggings who is only famous in the USA because she fucked some band member of some band I don’t know why is famous only to have him leave her for Paris Hilton leaving her forced to try all the tricks in Hollywood to get famous from getting naked in movies, to having the paparazzi follow her around to her latest idea which must be to be the only living muppet in America because as time goes on she looks more and more like something Jim Hansen invented to jerk off to…only unlike her felt and wire counterpart, this bitch has no talent, little kids don’t flock to her and her song and dance, all she really has going for her is herpes and not just any herpes…the Paris Hilton strain….which isn’t really saying much about her talent other than that she doesn’t use condoms…which I guess is good enough for me….here are the pics… Pics via Fame

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Sophie “The Muppet” Monk Shows Off Her Calves Cuz Her Pussy Probably Has Herpes of the Day

Jordan is a Make-Up Monster of the Day

I don’t know who told Jordan that burying herself in make-up makes a bitch so, making her invest in a kiddie pool to fill the fuck up with self tanner and roll around in the shit liek she was an actual pig in fucking shit and not just a bitch you call a pig because of everything she represents in life, but I assume it was the same person who told her that getting ridiculous fake tits will make her worth jerking off to, despite looking like a total fucking freak straight out of a horror movie or comic book some closet case over compensating for his gay fantasies wrote….because as time goes on…I feel her testicles are slowly droppin’….cuz she just doesn’t look like a she as much as she may have before she vandalized herself like she an abandoned building in the seedy part of town that is used as a home for squatters and prostitutes….like the piece of lowlife trash her dirty pussy is…. Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Jordan is a Make-Up Monster of the Day