Tag Archives: sheriff-clarke

Damn, “Brotha”: Black Milwaukee Sheriff Takes A S**t On #BlackLivesMatter “It’s All Premised On A Lie” [Video]

Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke Slams Al Sharpton And “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” Protest Ready. Set. OUTRAGE! Via DailyMail A sheriff appeared on Fox News to blast Reverend Al Sharpton on Thursday night. Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke was interviewed by Steve Doocy on Fox & Friends and said; ‘Al Sharpton ought to go back into the gutter he came from.’ This in response to Sharpton’s support of Michael Brown and the Ferguson protesters. Sheriff Clarke also said that he found it ‘unlikely’ that federal charges would have been brought against Officer Darren Wilson, saying that the ‘hands up’ narrative was contrived. Furthermore, he accused Shaprton of purposely stoking the flames of racial division by claiming that what Officer Wilson did was racially motivated, when it truth ‘facts are facts’ and that Brown was in the wrong. ‘The grand jury in Ferguson, Missouri, got it right,’ adeed Clarke. ‘Officer [Darren] Wilson has been exonerated. The thing I want to know is how does he get his reputation back?’ Sheriff Clakre reps that blue faithfully…like a crip. SMH. Images via Milwaukee Sheriff’s Office/Shutterstock

Damn, “Brotha”: Black Milwaukee Sheriff Takes A S**t On #BlackLivesMatter “It’s All Premised On A Lie” [Video]