Tag Archives: shirt-misprint

Nike T-Shirts: Someone Failed U.S. Geography!

The fan who interrupted the All-Star Game because Twitter told him to? That story I can believe. But this story about Nike t-shirts ? Well it’s a little bit harder to imagine someone letting this by. Notice something a bit “off” about this Carolina Panthers t-shirt? There’s the NC and Panthers logos, it’s blue and black… but wait, isn’t that the outline of South Carolina? As a matter of fact it is! Someone was obviously sleeping on the job when it came to this shirt. A couple of people actually. First the person who made it, then the person that approved it, you’d have to imagine more than one person checks these things, whoever saw them packaged, the store owners/stockers who opened the boxes, and then finally the people who bought the incorrect t-shirt. I really hope the Panthers fans who bought the shirts did so in jest because surely they would recognize that it was their neighboring state right? Well done Nike! You may have failed sixth grade geography, but you succeeded in making us laugh.

Read more from the original source:
Nike T-Shirts: Someone Failed U.S. Geography!