That isht gay… Just hours ago, former NBA player Von Wafer revealed that he is, and always has been, a closeted homosexual. Wafer recently signed a one-year contract to play for the Italian team Vanoli Cremona due to the NBA lockout. In his last NBA season he played for the Boston Celtics where it was reported that he caught fade with rumored mother-fawker Delonte West. Here is the tweet that was sent out from Von’s account around 12pm EST There is still some speculation as to whether or not his accound was “hacked” or not, but for this to have been up for 3 hours and it not be erased suggests to us that either none of his homies have called him to say “Ay mane, I seen yo’ Twitter sayin’ you gay shawty” or Von just decided he’s had enough of living life in secrecy. Congrats if it’s true, otherwise he should prolly change his account password… Source More On Bossip! Wanna Know How Much These Stars Really Weigh??? True Love? Look At These Pics Of Atlanta Falcon Ray Edwards And His Caked Out ATL Boo Centerfolds: The Most Unforgettable Ladies Of Color To Show Up In Playboy Magazine Sour Grapes: The Craziest Rumors Started By Scorned Exes
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Ball So Hard: Did Ex-Boston Celtic Player Von Wafer Come Out Of The Closet Over Twitter?!?!