Tag Archives: should-perform

Should I Airbnb My House Or Apartment For Super Bowl LIII?

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Source: Icon Sportswire / Getty If you don’t already know,  Super Bowl  LIII will be in Atlanta, GA this year and the city is preparing for a once in a lifetime atmosphere. With more than a million people visiting the city for the Super Bowl, many Atlanta locals are asking is it a good idea to Airbnb my house or apartment during Super Bowl weekend? Airbnb is community marketplace for people to list their apartments or homes online, so people all over the world can have a place to stay when they travel. Over the years, Airbnb has become one of the most popular apartment sharing services around the world. But just like other businesses, Airbnb has it’s pros and cons. RELATED:  Who Should Perform At Halftime Of The Super Bowl In Atlanta? Let’s look at some of the pro’s and con’s of AirBnb   Pros If your a Airbnb host, you get to meet new football fans from around the world. It’s cheaper and more convenient for travelers to use Airbnb It’s a great way to make extra money from your apartment Theres a host protection plan that would insure you up to $1,000,000. Visitors will pay extra for apartments closer to  Mercedes-Benz Stadium    Cons There’s a good chance some property could be damaged during a visitors stay Some states and some apartment complexes have laws that might prohibit you from using Airbnb. Know and understand your local laws It takes time and energy in upkeep of your place to make sure it Airbnb ready. Things like laundry, pre-stay communication, and key hand-offs, will need your time. You can’t make all your guests happy, some will just not respond positively to your hospitality. You might have to find a place to stay that weekend if you don’t have the space to host and stay in your apartment   There is no question that Super Bowl weekend in Atlanta will be a very lucrative Airbnb weekend, but is it right for you? If you’re still not sure, click here for more Airbnb research.    

Should I Airbnb My House Or Apartment For Super Bowl LIII?

In Case You Missed It!: Drake’s Best Performance Ever On SNL… Nicki’s Cakes Just Does Something To Him! [Video]

Drake took the stage with Nicki Minaj to perform his new single “Make Me Proud”. We all know how Drake feels about Nicki and her cakes but during his performance, his feelings came out and just couldn’t help himself! Take a Peek: Looks like Nicki should perform with Drake more often. If these two were behind closed doors, no one would have to imagine what would happen. Can’t say that we have ever seen him this live and animated… He almost look like the rapper he pens to be! Drake might want to calm all that down, seeing that Nicki Minaj’s weave carrrier boyfriend might not like all that! Flip to the next page for a Peek at Drake’s first Love…

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In Case You Missed It!: Drake’s Best Performance Ever On SNL… Nicki’s Cakes Just Does Something To Him! [Video]