Cat Reacts to Packing Tape…Funny Sharks Stalk Kayakers Close Call for a Little Girl Banana Butt Monkey is Some Weirdness
Continued here:
Crackhead and Other Videos of the Day
Cat Reacts to Packing Tape…Funny Sharks Stalk Kayakers Close Call for a Little Girl Banana Butt Monkey is Some Weirdness
Continued here:
Crackhead and Other Videos of the Day
Ashley Tisdale is on some get married, get pregnant, biological clock is ticking kick, and it probably stems from the fact that she’s actually in her mid 30s, and not 25 like her fake age would make you think, it was all part of getting on High School Musical. She’s the Luke Perry of her teen TV show generation…at least according to someone who used to love all the “Ashley Tisdale UGLY Watch” posts I used to do – when the world was tricked into thinking she was hot thanks to good PR, even though everyone with eyes should be able to see she’s pretty minging – even her most loyal creepy fans who are obsessed with her… That said…she’s in an oversized shirt – and that to me is a 98 percent chance she’s knocked up like everyone else her age….especially after getting married, because they are traditional like that…even though everyone in Hollywood is a whore… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE
Ashley Tisdale – Grocery Shopper that is Probably Pregnant of the Day