Anne Vyalitsyna is some Russian, 24 years old pussy that didn’t need to use the sex trade to escape the iron curtain, but instead used her fashion modeling, not that she really had to escape any communist rule, I’m pretty sure she was born after the fall of communism, so bitch never had to wait in line for rationed tampons, making her a lot less fun that the bitches you can show pictures of war torn communities to, in order to make them respect your shitty apartment, when their high maintenance ass tries to escape you, cuz they don’t respect that you bought them, because they expected the Hollywood American dream and not the real American Dream… That said, she’s naked in some magazine called Tush. You can see nipple or pussy lip, but it’s good enough for a Friday when no one is reading…not that they ever do.
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Anne Vyalitsyna Naked for Tush of the Day