Tag Archives: show-support

Diddy Encourages NFL Players To ‘Stand Up For Each Other’ After Trump’s Insults

Diddy took to social media to show support for Colin Kaepernick and encourage NFL players to #TakeAKnee: ‘If you all do whatever you do in unity, you can’t be stopped.’

See the original post:
Diddy Encourages NFL Players To ‘Stand Up For Each Other’ After Trump’s Insults

Join Hands Across the Sand This Saturday! Support a Future That Doesn’t Need Offshore Drilling

It’s probably a pretty safe bet that if you’re reading TreeHugger then you’re mad as hell (and don’t want to take it anymore) about the BP oil spill. Now, there are plenty of ways you can take action and express your outrage at BP, as well as show support for alternatives to oil, but the one you should take part in this Saturday, June 26th, occurring at a beach near you, is Hands Across the Sand :… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Join Hands Across the Sand This Saturday! Support a Future That Doesn’t Need Offshore Drilling