Tag Archives: show-the-estate

We Better Not EVER Hear Someone Say Prince, Paris And Blanket Are Broke

It’s no secret that the Jackson family doesn’t practice the most effective financial habits. But with what TMZ is reporting Michael’s estate brought in since his death, his kids better be taken care of forever! The Michael Jackson estate has made more than $310 million since MJ died back in 2009 … this according to legal documents obtained by TMZ. TMZ has obtained the first accounting that MJ executors filed … showing exactly how much money Michael owed when he passed away on June 25, 2009 … and how much the estate has made since — and the numbers are astounding. According to the documents, MJ had more than $400 million in various debts when he died … but the estate has already made more than $310 million since. Documents show excecutors have already spent roughly $159 mil paying back various debts, income taxes and other expenses such as providing “uninterrupted support for Mrs. [Katherine] Jackson and Michael Jackson’s children as Michael intended.” The estate has also paid for Katherine to make “substantial improvements” to the family’s famous Havenhurst estate in Encino, CA. Executors have also shelled out cash to “pay last illness and funeral and memorial service expenses.” In addition to the $400 million in debt — MJ’s estate had $40 million in liabilities to concert promoter AEG stemming from the “This Is It” tour … which MJ was rehearsing for when he died. The documents show the estate received more than 65 creditor’s claims — with some of the debt accruing interest at “extremely high” rates. The MJ executors admit the estate still faces several lawsuits in multiple countries. Man, listen. We’re only going to say this one more time: we better not EVER hear ANYONE say Michael’s kids are broke.

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We Better Not EVER Hear Someone Say Prince, Paris And Blanket Are Broke