Tag Archives: showbiz-animal

Howard Stern swears off "’F’ing Democrats" Forever!

Says Democrats are all “Communists” On his Sirius/XM radio show on Thursday, Howard Stern had some very harsh words for the Federal Communications Commission. From EyeBlast : “I got so crazy over this yesterday, so I called my agent. And my agent, he’s very liberal Democrat kind of guy. I go that’s it! You know what Don. I’ve voted Republican and I’ve voted Democrat. I have vowed I will never vote for a Democrat again. I don’t give a fuck. No matter who they are… The facts are these Democrats at the FCC are Communists… they’re for communism.” At issue is the FCC’s plan to allow some Wireless providers to interfere with satellite radio broadcasts. From SatWaves : Stern discussed the issue live on his show yesterday, quoting and reading directly from an article I wrote several days ago, titled “Will The FCC Interfere With Sirius XM Yet Again?.” With a tone of disgust that should be expected of anyone now familiar with the decade long issue, Stern rightly noted that the FCC seems to go after him no matter where he is, through whatever means possible… Of note, Stern ran briefly in 1994 for the nomination of the Libertarian Party for Governor of New York.

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Howard Stern swears off "’F’ing Democrats" Forever!

Howard Stern On CBS ‘Early Show’: Jay Leno Bashing

Getty Images Howard Stern didn't have anything nice to say about Jay Leno today in his interview on CBS ' Early Show . He wasn't as lewd as he normally is on his own show, but he made no attempt to hide his disdain for the host. He bashed Leno pretty bad, and seemed like he had no qualms about his harsh words. Howard Stern (Getty) Among other things, Stern said Leno “seems to be the kind of showbiz animal who won't let go.” He said Leno was “fired” and that a “man” would move on. Guess he was on Team Coco, huh? Leno also apparently has an adverse effects on the shock jock's physical well-being. He said this morning: “Just the mere mention of Jay Leno's name makes me want to vomit.” How do you really feel, Mr. Stern? Howard also weighed in on the rumors that he'll be Simon Cowell 's replacement on American Idol next season. He didn't really answer the question either way, but said “in this economy,” he wouldn't turn down “100 million.” See the video here: See more pictures of Howard Stern here (click any picture):

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Howard Stern On CBS ‘Early Show’: Jay Leno Bashing