According to the Federal Trade Commission, Kim Kardashian recently used her body to endorse a product that doesn’t work as advertised. Raise your hand if you’re surprised. The Skechers shoes Kim Kardashian tried to convince you to buy don’t work, according to the federal government, which concluded that Skechers made unfounded claims about its Shape-Ups shoes, promoted by the shameless spokeswoman. Kim Kardashian Super Bowl Commercial According to the FTC, Skechers lied about clinical studies which they said proved the shoes help lose weight and strengthen muscles in the ass, legs and stomach. Skechers has already agreed to pay $45 million in settlement costs, and anyone who bought the shoes will be eligible for a refund. Busted. Skechers is reportedly disputing the FTC decision, and plans to conduct more research on the effects of the shoe … good luck with that guys. For her part, Kim she says Skechers worked for her – she was a devoted Shape-Ups user and felt they helped her tone the back of her legs and her giant ass(et) – and that’s why she became the company’s pitch person. Kim says as soon as research showed the shoe didn’t work, she stopped promoting it all together, even before the end of her one-year contract. After getting paid for her Super Bowl commercial , of course. Kim says she wouldn’t endorse the shoe now, given the FTC’s ruling, but she’s not in the wrong and is not even throwing her Shape-Ups out. She’s nothing if not loyal, right Kris Humphries ?
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Kim Kardashian Accused of Bogus Skechers Promotion