Tag Archives: shower-between

Courtney Stodden’s Comical Sized Tits of the Day

I almost wonder what went wrong in Courtney Stodden’s childhood to make her like this, but then I remember that I don’t care about Courtney Stodden enough to worry about her mental health issues, moreover, I don’t think anything went wrong, but rather went totally right, because I like girls who present themselves like this, you know classy ladies at least in the gutter or the stripclub, cuz they can afford to get their hair did, spray tans and all the fancy clothes, while the other strippers just stink from lack of time to shower between john’s cuz they are too busy smoking crack. Seriously, I like what she’s done with the place, because I have this theory if you’re gonna get implants, make them fucking count. Doing the subtle tits that look as real as possible is for cancer survivors. Hookers, who want tits to make money…shouldn’t go that route.. Now, I am not sure her sex tape exists yet, but I am 98% convinced she’s the next Farrah Abraham, and despite questioning whether she’s actually 18 or 45, using the “Teen Angle” as a PR move, or not…I am ready to watch her get her fuck on.

Excerpt from:
Courtney Stodden’s Comical Sized Tits of the Day