Remember when Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra used to kind of be the #RelationshipGoals of Teen Mom OG? Everyone always thought they were so cute together, and so brave and selfless for placing their daughter for adoption to save her from their families. And it's true, they were. But that's been several years ago now, and these days … well, things are different. And as the days go by, it seems more and more likely that their relationship just won't last. 1. Happier Times Catelynn and Tyler have been together forever. Almost literally. 2. Middle School Sweethearts They started dating when they were just 12 years old, after Tyler started talking to her because, as he once revealed, she had “bigger tits than any other girl in the 7th grade.” 3. Not So Cute Things got a little weirder a little while after that, when Tyler’s father began dating Catelynn’s mother. They eventually got married, making Catelynn and Tyler step siblings. 4. Making It Work But they kept on trucking along together, up until she got pregnant. 5. So Sad We don’t have to go into too much detail with this, because we all remember these heartbreaking details: they decided to place their baby for adoption because their home lives were too unstable and they wanted better for their child. 6. Doing Well? After that, things were tough in many ways, and they nearly broke up more than once. But somehow, some way, they stayed together through the years, and eventually she became pregnant again. View Slideshow
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Tyler Baltierra: I Deserve Better Than Catelynn Lowell!