Tag Archives: silly-giggling

The Pathetic Promo for CNN’s Pathetic ‘Parker Spitzer’ Program

Just what you’ve all been waiting for – the pathetic promo for CNN’s pathetic “Parker Spitzer” program premiering October 4 (video follows with commentary): Our dear friend Ace of Spades comically wrote Tuesday this reminded him of the sexual tension between Sam and Diane on the hit ’80s sitcom “Cheers.” Hot Air’s Allahpundit noted :  This feels exactly like a trailer for a Nora Ephron comedy about two TV journalists bantering their way through life. Even the whimsical jazzy soundtrack is Ephron-esque. Is that what they’re going for? The coveted “When Harry Met Sally” demographic? I could be down with that, but if they’re going to try it, I want other conceits from the movie too. Like, they could have Kyra Phillips and John King on occasionally in the Carrie Fisher/Bruno Kirby quirky best-friend roles. Even worse, I see more of a “Sleepless in Seattle” or “You’ve Got Mail” dynamic. After all, despite oozing with saccharin, “When Harry Met Sally” was a darned good film. As for the silly giggling noises Parker was making during this promo, I don’t want to have what she’s having. Exit question: Do you care what either of these people has to say about anything?

See the rest here:
The Pathetic Promo for CNN’s Pathetic ‘Parker Spitzer’ Program