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Angela & Vanessa Simmons Owes The IRS A Half Million Dollars

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Add Rev Run’s daughters Vanessa and Angela Simmons to the growing list of celebrities that owes the IRS. The Pastry founders  allegedly owe the IRS and the state of California close to a half million dollars. Here’s what the sisters owe: The IRS filed a $26,658 tax lien against Angela Simmons on Dec. 22 with the New York City Register. The IRS filed a $22,528 tax lien against Vanessa Simmons on Dec. 22 in New York. The IRS filed a $157,787 tax lien against Vanessa Simmons on Nov. 10 in New York. The IRS filed a $27,248 tax lien against Angela Simmons on May 20 in New York. The IRS filed a $132,466 tax lien against Angela Simmons on April 1 in New York. The state of California filed a $44,253 tax lien against Vanessa Simmons on March 23 in Sacramento County Court. The state of California filed a $39,538 tax lien against Angela Simmons on March 23 in Sacramento. Daddy Rev Run may have to bail his little girls out of this mess! SOURCE Angela Simmons Strips Down For PETA [PHOTOS] Angela Simmons Celebrated Birthday With Bow Wow Vanessa & Angela Simmons’ 5 Business Lessons Of Entrepreneurship

Angela & Vanessa Simmons Owes The IRS A Half Million Dollars