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Divorce Attorneys Weigh In On Dating Red Flags You Need To Look Out For

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Text “RICKEY” to 71007 to join the Rickey Smiley Morning Show mobile club for exclusive news . ( Terms and conditions ). Source: Weekend Images Inc. / Getty via Keyaira Kelly on MadameNoire.com : Newly married couples may think talking to a divorce attorney is the last thing you want to do, but they could give you some key tips on what to do to avoid ever heading to divorce court.  Huffpost talked to divorce attorneys about a couple red flags you should look out for to determine if your relationship is built to last and here’s what they came up with… Sign Up For Our Newsletter! Close Thank you for subscribing! Please be sure to open and click your first newsletter so we can confirm your subscription. Email Submit You Immediately Think They Are “The One” Even though instant chemistry can be intoxicating, it could be your old triggers that are turned on. Liat Sadler , a specialist in family law in San Francisco told Huffpost that love at first sight may not mean they are the one for you, it could mean “instead, that this person feels familiar, like old patterns, old obsessions and old problems. If you want someone who brings out the best in you, that might not be the person who fits like an old glove. It might be healthier in the beginning of a relationship to feel uncertain and tenuous about the new person in your life.” They Don’t Take Responsibility For Any Of Their Past Relationship Failures Beware of the person who always blames their ex for a relationship’s demise. If your potential boo talked about all their exes being “crazy,” it may be a sign of trouble to come. Morghan Richardson , a divorce attorney in New York City told Huffpo that blaming exes for everything is “a strong red flag that they won’t own their share of a relationship with you. Relationships take investment from both people. Someone who refuses to own their mistakes is not likely to fully invest, and you may end up being the one trying to make the relationship work.” They’ve Been Divorced A Lot Is this their second or third marriage rodeo? It could be a bad sign. “We have a saying, ‘Sometimes it’s not the ex, it’s you that’s the problem.’ Unfortunately, we see repeat customers. Those who frequently marry are often quick to commit and quick to leave. For some, being married, just being married, makes them feel like they fit in,”  Randall Kessler , a divorce attorney in Atlanta told Huffpo. They Are Too Dependent Yes, we love being with our partners, but they should have their own life too. “There’s a sense of merging with the other person that can be beautiful if it happens in select moments,” Sadler told Huffpo. “But when that sense of merging lasts for a long time, it can indicate danger. This is the kind of relationship that can become volatile and even violent when one person starts to need space and differentiation from the other. Until they feel secure in themselves, they should probably take a break from dating and work on their self-esteem.” ALSO TRENDING ON RICKEYSMILEYMORNINGSHOW.COM : Blue Ivy Carter & Beyonce’ Are Twins In This Side-By-Side Photo All Grown Up: Photos Of Ming Lee Simmons Through The Years Trey Songz & Lori Harvey Make Their Relationship Instagram Official [PHOTOS] Follow @TheRSMS

Divorce Attorneys Weigh In On Dating Red Flags You Need To Look Out For

10 Signs You’re Low On Protein

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Text “RICKEY” to 71007 to join the Rickey Smiley Morning Show mobile club for exclusive news . ( Terms and conditions ). Source: JGI/Tom Grill / Getty via MadameNoire.com : The daily recommended protein intake for an average sedentary woman is around 46 grams. For men, its 56, according to HealthLine.com . If you’re an avid athlete, pregnant, or going through other hormone fluctuations, you may require different amounts. Sign Up For Our Newsletter! Close Thank you for subscribing! Please be sure to open and click your first newsletter so we can confirm your subscription. Email Submit Regardless of what the proper number is for you (determine that with your doctor, based on your lifestyle and overall health), tracking our protein can be tough but they make up the building blocks of…well…everything. Every organ and bone in your body needs protein. Here are signs you may be low on protein. 1. Low immunity Protein plays a big role in building antibodies. If you’re low on antibodies, then your immunity will decline, and you’ll have a hard time fighting off viruses. Should you find yourself catching more colds than usual, low protein could be at play. 2. Joint pain When you’re low on protein, your muscle fluid may begin breaking down. Once again, your body is pulling that protein to the essential organs. When this occurs, you can experience more joint pain. 3. Nails breaking Do you find your nails breaking? Do they feel soft, bending quicker when you push on them? Protein makes up your nails, so when you’re low on it, you’ll notice that your nails crack, chip, and break easily. 4. Hair thinning When you are low on protein, your body actually reduces hair growth in order to conserve protein for other jobs. That’s why you can find your hair thinning if you don’t get enough of this important nutrient. 5. Your fat to muscle ratio Have you been looking or feeling flabby, even though the scale says you’ve actually lost weight? That could be because, due to low protein, you’re losing muscle mass. 6. You’re tired Protein plays a role in hemoglobin production, which transports oxygen through the body. If you don’t have enough of it, you’re bound to feel constantly tired. 7. You’re craving sugar When you don’t eat enough protein—which can keep your blood sugar stable—your body may crave sugar for an instant blood sugar boost. 8. Your fingers and toes blow up By blow up we mean expand. Having enough protein keeps fluid from pooling in our extremities (hands and feet). If you’re low on it, you may find these parts of your body swelling. 9. You feel faint Low protein makes for thinner blood and that means a drop in blood pressure. If you find yourself feeling light headed often, you may be low in protein. 10. Flaky skin Your skin is one of your largest organs and protein is the building block of it. If your skin has been flaky lately, it could be a sign it doesn’t have the proteins it needs to create new cells. ALSO TRENDING ON RICKEYSMILEYMORNINGSHOW.COM : Blue Ivy Carter & Beyonce’ Are Twins In This Side-By-Side Photo All Grown Up: Photos Of Ming Lee Simmons Through The Years Trey Songz & Lori Harvey Make Their Relationship Instagram Official [PHOTOS] Follow @TheRSMS

10 Signs You’re Low On Protein