My name is Alex, and I’m 19 years old. I’ve been feeling so incredibly blessed lately that I am able to write my 2 nd Bieber Experience. My first one happened back in October 2012 when Justin was in Minneapolis, and I met him outside his hotel the day before the concert after standing in the freezing cold all night. I thought that day was amazing, but little did I know that I would meet him again. It all started when I heard Justin was adding more tour dates around the US, and I knew I had to go to more! Unfortunately, he didn’t add one in Minnesota so I decided I would just travel around to see him! My friend (Morgan) and I decided to go to at least 2 more in the US. One place was Vegas and the other reasonable place to go was Iowa. For the Vegas show we tried to get VIP/M&G, but they sold out too fast, which was so upsetting. When the Iowa tickets went on sale, Morgan and I pounced and we ended up getting meet and greets and third row! I honestly could not believe it. I was going to meet my idol AGAIN! But then the torture of waiting 8 months set in. Summer finally came around and it was time to fly out to VEGAS! We even tried to win the M&G off BieberFever but that was a fail. We stalked him all day the day before and the day of the concert, but not luck. After Vegas, it was time for Iowa. The day of the M&G came and we were ready so early! We were out by his tour buses stalking in the 100 degree heat. After going inside for a bit, we decided we just had to be out by the buses again because we absolutely could not miss anything. Right when we were crossing the path to go to the other side of where fans could stand, Justin came out of his tour bus! He was walking towards me and I didn’t know if I should just run at him or what! He walked towards other fans, but I touched his hand and got some pics of him! It was the most perfect timing ever! After that we had to go to the VIP party and then we were led backstage. Dan Kanter came out and was talking to a few girls in line and I started singing the Dan Kanter song (not knowing he could hear me) and all a sudden he goes “Heyyy that’s my song!” I was like, “It sure is,” and then he gave me his guitar pick! It was awesome and he is so sweet. After waiting an hour in line, Justin finally arrived and was behind the curtain as we all anxiously waited to go in. As were waiting, I see dinner rolls being thrown at us from over the curtain. Justin was throwing his friggan dinner rolls at us! It was so funny and we threw them back at him. I kept yelling obnoxious things back like, “Hey give me your buns JuJu!” Then security was saying rules like, “No hugging Justin today,” and Justin screams from behind the curtain, “YOU CAN HUG ME ALL YOU WANT!” Then part of the curtain was open and I could see Justin on his segway, so I was like oh my god and started waving to him. He saw and waved back! Then right then it was time to walk in the curtain. It was what Justin said to me when I walked up to him that just made me feel like I was in a complete dream. In a whispered/quiet voice he said, “Come here baby.” I honestly almost collapsed. Like did he ACTUALLY just say that to me?! I asked him for a hug and then we took the picture. I was grabbing his arm in the picture haha. The only thing I could think to say was “I love you.” Then I went out and screamed my lungs out. After that it was time for the concert and I was right up against the stage the whole time, literally feet away from my idol and the person who I’ve been supporting since the beginning! It was the best concert out of all 3 Believe shows I’ve been too. I will never forget the few moments I spent with Justin at the meet and greet, and I’ll never forget watching him perform. I have been there for him for so long, and I never got recognized/noticed for years in the beginning, until just this past year. I finally started taking actions and making my dreams come true. If you really want to meet him, BE PROACTIVE. It will happen someday, I promise you all! I feel so grateful that I have gotten to meet him twice in the duration of 9 months, and I will never stop supporting him. Seriously, I love him so much and the love keeps getting stronger everyday! Thanks for reading my Bieber Experience. -Alex (@_BestBelieber) See the original post here: My name is Alex, and I’m 19 years old. I’ve been feeling so…
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My name is Alex, and I’m 19 years old. I’ve been feeling so…