Tag Archives: singing twins

Mistletoe Justin Bieber Cover – Blackberry Jam

Be part of Blackberry Jam’s first album at kck.st . We’re working on The Global Jam – an entire album of collaborations with other YouTube artists from around the globe. Get t-shirts, CDs, and all the songs BEFORE they launch, by supporting our album while we’re producing it. We’ll keep all of our supporters updated with behind-the-scenes emails and photos. Blackberry Jam sings Mistletoe by Justin Bieber. Visit www.blackberryjammusic.com. There are 2 editing errors where the wrong twin is singing the other twin’s line, can you find them? http://www.youtube.com/v/fyR1R9Wcn9k?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata See the original post here: Mistletoe Justin Bieber Cover – Blackberry Jam

Mistletoe Justin Bieber Cover – Blackberry Jam