Tag Archives: skinny-or-not

Ugly Gwenyth Paltrow Thanks Nepotism for her Career of the Day

I never found Gwenyth Paltrow hot. So when she married her Coldplay singer and went into hiding in order to live her hippie bullshit fake-intellectual artist life. I was happy…. But apparently Gwenyth Paltrow has crawled out of her cave and started to make appearances because she’s in Iron Man 2…..like any hippie bullshit fake-intellectual artist would… Today she was on The View wearing this outfit where she was talking about how she trained 6 days a week for 1.5 hours a day and watched what she ate in preperation for this outfit and the funny thing is that I don’t think it would make a difference, cuz fat or not bitch is only getting work and only has a career cuz of her connected family members, so she’s should stop bothering trying and accept the fact that skinny or not she’s still ugly….a last name goes a long way…and apparently so does this Iron Man franchise cuz everyone is freaking out about the shit and really who gives a fuck or get excited about this shit…or about her…cuz she’s old, washed-up and ugly and in shorts…good times. Pics via Bauer

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Ugly Gwenyth Paltrow Thanks Nepotism for her Career of the Day