Tag Archives: slurs-caught

Anti-Semitic Wedding Rant Goes Viral: Listen in Disgust Now!

Move over, Anti-Semitic Elmo . You’ve got bigoted company. Earlier this month, Stan and Claudia Gocman sat down to finally watch the unedited video of their wedding day, following a series of snafus in which photographer Anthony Aurelius first sent the wrong video and then sent one with many important moments missing. So the newlyweds actually shelled out extra money for this special footage, only to recoil when they heard a series of anti-Semitic comments made by someone off camera. Anti-Semitic Wedding Video: Slurs Caught on Camera “Some of the Jewish women are very beautiful to look at,” said a man, believed to be Aurelius. “But I can tell you, they’d be right f-cking cows… they’d be a pain in the arse.” Later, this same voice says the bride is unattractive; Jewish people are “snooty” and not very nice; and he doesn’t “blame Hitler” for the Holocaust. Seriously. Even Mel Gibson shuttered at that last one. Aurelius and his assistant – who is also heard saying Jews are “the meanest people in the world” – evidently left the camera running while they followed the wedding party from the synagogue to the hotel where their reception was held. In response to this incident, Clauda wrote an email to Aurelius, saying the video “completely ruined the memories of our day.” And he actually replied with a hand-written letter in which he gave the couple a full refund and said he has to “look at myself.” Later on, he added an email follow-up and said: “I am very sorry for our stupid, childish conversation. I am also very sorry for offending you and possibly your family also. You did not deserve this. I am ashamed.” Watch more of the offensive video below: Anti-Semitic Wedding Photographer Doesn’t Blame Hitler for Holocaust

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Anti-Semitic Wedding Rant Goes Viral: Listen in Disgust Now!