Australian Spider VS CAr High School Brawl for Thanksgiving Just Jerking off in Class One More Time… Tuk Tuk Wheelie… Migrants Fail of the Day Trans Woman Wants Millions of Straight Guys Into Trans Women to Admit It…. Russian Dude Stabbed Himself Out of Jealousy Jet Aborts Landing Due to Wind Disturbing video of cops killing a 15 year old on LSD The post 23 Gucci Bags Get Stolen in Florida and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Nothing says thanksgivng like QUeefing by the Christmas tree….wtf internet…you’re so weird. Back when the site was more relevant – I would do a post called random google images, where I would do a google image search and post all the fucking weird shit that came up for that search…then out of anger for being flagged by google and not making the google ad money so many of these shitty sites made – I am talking millions off dollars off less traffic than me – I went on a mission to showcase how google’s youtube is just a weird fetish site, so I’d look up weird fetishes or random things I knew dudes were jerking off to hosted on youtube to call them out… Today, for some reason, I did a search for QUEEF…and some weird, mainly the lead in video, of a family watching their daughter QUEEF was a reminder of how weird YOUTUBE actually is…. The hottest of the QUEEF videos, is one that YOUTUBE won’t let me embed… BUT YOU CAN SEE HERE …. Here are some more QUEEF videos on YOUTUBE hosted and monetized by Youtube….Owned by Publicly Traded Company called GOOGLE….who make money off QUEEF videos…because they are a fetish site…the biggest fetish site in the world… Here’s another one… Here’s a better one…..who are these people…. Yoga Pose Queef…. With a Toy Mic…. Dog Sniffs Queef… Little known fact, my original internet name / handle / message board name was VBF for Vaginal Blood Fart… I was so progressive back then… The post Family Queefing Together on Christmas for Thanksgiving of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .