Tag Archives: soaping-himself

Niall Horan on Alleged Naked Photo: Not Me!

We’re very sorry, One Direction fans. But that shirtless photo of some dude soaping himself up in the shower? It’s not of Niall Horan. Following (excited!) talk that this 19-year old was the nearly naked subject of the very clean and very dirty image, Horan has taken to Twitter and debunked the rumor: “That’s not me by the way in that pic!” he wrote, humorously adding “I’d be happy with biceps like that though to be fair!” Earlier in the week, Rihanna also shot down talk that a topless picture going around was actually of her bare breast. But all those other Rihanna topless shots? Yeah. They clearly feature the singer.

Excerpt from:
Niall Horan on Alleged Naked Photo: Not Me!