This would certainly be a new one… With The Situation reality show apparently still on tap, and with Vanilla Ice Goes Amish actually headed for DIY, word is now spreading that a series based around Calabasas, California is now in the works. Why Calabasas, California? That’s where Justin Bieber resides. And where Kourtney Kardashian , Travis Barker and other celebrities live. According to TMZ sources, the docu-series would center on a gated community known as “The Oaks” and the goal would be to provide fans with “an inside look at the true Calabasas life and all that it entails,” according to a letter from the producer. As you might expect, residents are not happy about the proposed intrusion into their lives and a legal battle may be brewing. The working title, meanwhile? Calabasas 91302 . The show should be sued for that uncreative idea alone.
Read more from the original source:
Justin Bieber Neighborhood Reality Show: Coming Soon?!?