Tag Archives: some-concert

Bella Thorne’s Topless Show Deserves A Standing Ovation

I’ve gotta give Bella Thorne credit. For someone with no real discernible talent, other than the ability to stick her tongue and/or funbags out for the camera, Bella sure knows how to put on a good show. So here she is up on stage at some concert putting her talent(s) to good use. And I don’t know about you guys, but I’m definitely hoping for an encore.

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Bella Thorne’s Topless Show Deserves A Standing Ovation

Fergie Makes Sexy Faces

I get that Fergie has her on stage persona and does what she can to look sexy despite her rapidly aging face, but I think we’re not supposed to be looking at her this close up. Here she is making sexy faces during some concert last week. It’s not working for me. For this to be hot, I need to be thirty rows back and about six beers in. Nice try though. more pictures of Fergie here

Chick in a Bikini has Drunk in Public Pee of the Day

steptv.tv Here’s a video some insider leaked to me from a tour bus parked outside some concert this past summer. It is of some tight body chick taking a pee in public not knowing the band, or people with the band are videotaping the entire thing. It’s pretty fucking amazing but I mean when is drunk hot enough pussy peeing in public not amazing….so watch it…

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Chick in a Bikini has Drunk in Public Pee of the Day