Tag Archives: some-necessary

News from MMC Headquarters

This just in: Our fearless leader, Jay Penske (CEO and Founder of MMC, which is Movieline’s parent company), has announced another massive deal today , one that means MMC is selling mail.com to Europe’s largest Internet company, Germany’s United Internet Group. No, this doesn’t mean that if you have a mail.com email account you’re going to need to start figuring out how to spell ‘send’ auf Deutsch. The mail.com accounts will just migrate over to United Internet’s souped up GMX system, and you’ll still have access to all the excellent MMC content you’ve become accustomed to reading every day. Sure, there will be some necessary rebranding of MMC in the coming weeks, but other than that, little will change for you, our dear Movieline readers. Except maybe Movieline.de to bookmark in the near future.

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News from MMC Headquarters