Tag Archives: some-pasties

Hayden Panettiere Pasties of the Day

Here are some pictures of Hayden Pannettiere showing off some pasties cuz her shirt is see through and she doesn’t want to risk exposing her nipples… This would have been the biggest story 3 years ago….Unfortunatly, Hayden Panettiere, isn’t underage anymore, she’s not on TV or in movies anymore, so she’s pretty much irrelevant and leaves us unable to see past her midget self…. When a bitch like this turns 18, a huge percentage of the people who were ridiculously into her lose interest cuz all they liked about her when masturbating was the risk of a statuatory rape charge… I mean sure there are still a handful of socially awkward superhero loving comic book virgins who can’t let go of the idea of her…but they will always exist and apparently she will always exist as a fucking troll… Here are the pasties pics…she shoulda showed nipples…

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Hayden Panettiere Pasties of the Day