Tag Archives: song-selection

VIDEO: Elijah Wood and RZA Showcase Karaoke Skills and Questionable Song Choice at Fantastic Fest

Of all the songs I could pick to hear RZA and Elijah Wood sing at karaoke, The Black Eyed Peas’ entire discography would be pretty low on the list. That said, this video still rules. and apparently blame (or credit) for the song selection goes to Timecrimes director Nacho Vigalondo. Anyway, as a counter-point to all the stuffy red carpet coverage of Toronto and Venice, I give you the karaoke party for Austin’s genre-centric Fantastic Fest featuring Wood, RZA, Vigalondo and others. Just watch the mayhem and try not to get pumped for the week. Happy Monday!

See the article here:
VIDEO: Elijah Wood and RZA Showcase Karaoke Skills and Questionable Song Choice at Fantastic Fest