Tag Archives: sounding-board

Expendables 3: Bruce Willis Balks at $3 Million

Imagine what your life would be like if you were paid $3 million for four days work. Pretty nice, right?  Not for Bruce Willis.  As we reported the other day, Harrison Ford has taken over for Bruce Willis in  Expendables 3 . At the time, the only information anyone had came from Sylvester Stallone’s Twitter feed, in which Rocky proclaimed how excited he was about Ford’s involvement followed shortly by: “GREEDY AND LAZY ….. A SURE FORMULA FOR CAREER FAILURE.” Turns out, Stallone was calling out Willis for his reaction to contract negotiations. Willis was offered $3 million for four days work on the action film sequel, but he wanted $4 million.  Yes, a million dollars per day.  That offer was turned down and Willis decided to walk. The Hollywood Reporter caught up with an insider who said: “I think Willis was pretty surprised he was replaced in 72 hours by Harrison Ford . A better actor, a much nicer person, and a more interesting direction for the film.” So there you have it. Twitter is no longer just for the pre-teen hysterics and ridiculous reality TV melodrama. Nope, it is now the sounding board for behind the scenes ongoings involving millions of dollars. 

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Expendables 3: Bruce Willis Balks at $3 Million