Tag Archives: speeding-train

WikiLeaks exposes Israeli mafia’s influence in global high-tech security services

Well Current, I have to admit that I stand corrected when I said that Wikihoax, was soft on Israel, and whose links were suprisingly void on anything critical on the murderous, criminal gangster Jewish State of Israel. This cable isn't really anything that I or many others were not already aware of, but it is interesting that the media is ignoring this Wikileaks cable. This cable on Israeli mafia's influence in global high-tech security services draws clear connections between the possibility of Israel's role in taking full advantage of false flag terrorism in order to offer security services to airports, and other critical infrastructure. http://original.antiwar.com/justin/2010/12/02/wikileaks-exposes-israeli-mafias-g… “Israel, A Promised Land for Organized Crime?” – sent by our embassy in Tel Aviv, which deals with the rising influence of Israeli organized crime: I love how the pundits are yawning over the latest WikiLeaks revelations: oh, there’s nothing to see here, it’s all so boring, no “smoking gun,” so let’s just move right along. These people are just plain lazy: they want “scoops” delivered to their front doors, all neatly packaged and labeled as such. “As recently as March 2009, Zvika Ben Shabat, Yaacov Avitan, and Tzuri Roka requested visas to attend a ‘security-related convention’ in Las Vegas. According to local media reports, all three had involvement with OC. Post asked the applicants to provide police reports for any criminal records in Israel, but without such evidence there is no immediate ineligibility for links to OC. Luckily, all three have so far failed to return for continued adjudication of their applications. Nevertheless, it is fair to assume that many known OC figures hold valid tourist visas to the United States and travel freely.” What are organized crime figures doing showing up at a “security-related convention” in Las Vegas? Well, it seems Mr. Zvika Ben Shabat is the President of “H.A.Sh Security Group,” an Israeli company that offers security services worldwide. Israel’s hi-tech military sector is booming in the midst of a world economic downturn, and the “homeland security” industry is something they’ve jumped into head first, as Governor Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania knows all too well. It was Rendell who hired them to oversee Pennsylvania’s security – until it was revealed they were spying on legal citizens groups who were protesting the construction of a local power plant. Israeli “security” firms are operating all over the US, as well as abroad, in airports, and government facilities, and if Israeli organized crime is now a factor in that booming industry, then surely that’s a major security concern – or ought to be. Cameron’s four-part Fox News investigation into Israeli spying in the US seemed to posit a connection between the Israeli government and the Israeli Mafia, and, thanks to WikiLeaks, we can now see the link made visible. The Gen. Ronen-Ben Shabat connection, through the H.A.Sh Security Group, shows Cameron’s reporting was based on more than a mere suspicion. Given the additional information provided by this cable, it is reasonable to believe a corrupted segment of the Israeli military-law enforcement establishment has literally gone into business with Israeli organized crime. If that isn’t scary — and newsworthy — I don’t know what is. Yet our laid-back pundits, and “journalists” — who want a story delivered on a silver platter — complain that there’s nothing really new to be found in the WikiLeaks cables. That’s because they aren’t looking. added by: maasanova

Why did the Elephant cross the Tracks? We will never know, cause it died, and so did six of its friends..

A very sad story. Seven Elephants killed while trying to save two baby elephants stuck on train tracks in India's West Bengal state . A speeding train carrying goods hit the elephants overnight September 22. One more was injured. more at link…… added by: thelastwheeler