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Comedian Makes Courtney Love Abortion Jokes

This week comedian Ragan Fox ventured into the abortion-for-laughs arena. Fox is a “gay poet and performance artist,” according to WiredUpdate.com described Fox’s most recent podcast ( Warning: PG-13 ): Today we are going to highlight even more disturbing “jokes” that Ragan has written and performed within the same podcast…. Ragan begins by saying he adores singer/songwriter Courtney Love and he’s excited for the release of her new album. He then takes the conversation to a dark place while joking about abortions and battered women. In the clip Ragan says he can imagine Courtney performing an “inappropriate song about feminism” that involves performing a live abortion on stage…. He goes on, “‘Nobody’s Daughter’ (Courtney’s album title) is a reference to every abortion she has had. Let’s call a spade a space, Courtney Love has got to be the MacGyver of abortion.” Ragan then begins speaking in a drunken high pitch voice which is supposed to be his Courtney Love impersonation. As Courtney, Ragan says, “I give myself an abortion with pills, my pill abortion. I throw myself down the stairs, stair abortion. I douche with Clorox on a Sunday morning after a long Saturday night. Sometimes when I’m partying I’ll drink a Red Bull and Vodka abortion and like a trampoline abortion.” “One time I was going to shoot myself in the p***** (gunshot sound effect). I thought up of this abortion when I was married to Curt [sic] ( Cobain ) and I accidently shot him in the head. But I had to tell everybody he shot himself in the head. Who wants to hear my new song?” You can hear the unedited clip at Chris Rock bit in 2005, which I actually thought was good, despite the raunchiness, because it contained truth. Then came not-so-funny The Family Guy (graphic right) in 2009. But all abortion humor has value, according to pro-abort Sarah Seltzer at

See the article here:
Comedian Makes Courtney Love Abortion Jokes